Morning Glories circle is a subgroup of the United Methodist Women at St. Matthew. The circle covers many topics including education in mission, community awareness and spiritual growth. The meeting connects women in a more personal way through prayer, devotion and a chance to talk about themselves. The circle provides opportunity, greater flexibility, and freedom for participation in a smaller setting. We connect with St. Matthew on special dates such as Easter, Halloween etc.
We plan our calendar a year in advance, allowing each woman to pick a topic and or speaker and plan the program of their choice. The program topics are usually published in the Mustard Seed a month in advance.
A typical agenda includes a program, devotions, refreshments, business announcements, and sharing joys and concerns. We usually meet on the first and third Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. in Room C6/7 from September to May. Please check for updates in the Mustard Seed, e-communicator, and Communicator/Sunday bulletin. Programs are listed there along with any schedule changes. Sometimes we take field trips. We go out for holiday breakfast in December.
The co-chairwomen are Karen Anderson and Susan Patterson. All women are welcome to attend.
For more information, please call or .