The Girl Scouts of St. Matthew are an active troop. We meet weekly and are looking for girls ages 5 and up to join us! The programs for our Daisies, Brownies, Juniors, Seniors, and Ambassadors are exciting, and the girls will have many new experiences and meet many new friends! We are also looking for a few committed adults who enjoy being with young girls and helping them to grow into fantastic young women. If you would like more information regarding Girl Scouts contact Marion Ritchotte at 480-284-9963. Visit the troop website at or email at or go to the council for more information at
Girl Scout Troop 841 is participating in Scouting for Shoes!! Did you know it takes nearly 80 years for a tennis shoe to decompose? Every year thousands of shoes are thrown away when they can actually be donated to be reused, resold or even recycled. In honor of Earth Day, the Girl Scouts Cactus-Pine Council is teaming up with Goodwill to host a “Scouting for Shoes” recycling project.In an effort to keep shoes from going directly in to Arizona landfills, Girl Scouts are encouraged to collect no-longer needed shoes from family, friends and neighbors for a donation to Goodwill of Central Arizona. In exchange for their efforts, each Girl Scout will earn a Scouting for Shoes patch recognizing their commitment to our community and environment. If you would like to help us out you may contact Marion at gstroop841@gmail. We will gladly pick them up!