A New Mission Emphasis for Our Church.
Most of us cannot imagine what’s it like to be taken from the only home you’ve ever known and then placed in foster care. The child may be in a safer environment, but so little is under his or her control. Helen’s Hope Chest collects new and gently-used clothing and related items. Volunteers wash and press clothing, and then display items on racks in attractive rooms, providing these children “with a positive experience of shopping in a boutique-like environment.” Children may shop there four times a year, making their own choice of up to five free outfits, along with accessories such as underwear, shoes, school items and toys.

How St. Matthew’s Can Help:
Helen’s serves children from the time they are babies through Age 18, so they need a wide variety of clothing-new or gently used for them to select. They always need new packages of underwear or socks (no used items of these, please). Books in good shape can also be donated. Even if you no longer have children at home, I bet your grandchildren have lots of things they’ve outgrown. Make a habit of thinking of Helen’s when you want to donate children’s clothing. During the month of October please leave your contributions in or around the chest that will be in the narthex.

Did you Know?
Helen’s Hope Chest is a local Mesa organization, housed at 546 N. Stapley Drive. One of our church members, Mary Elliot is the assistant site manager there.  Responding to parishioners’ desire to help missions in our local area, our mission committee has chosen Helen’s as a wonderful way to give back to our Mesa community. We will conduct a drive for them both in fall and spring.

For more information or give her a call at 480-838-5094.