All of the St. Matthew adult studies are open to anyone in the community who is interested in good fellowship and a better knowledge of Christian beliefs. Prior knowledge or familiarity with the Bible is not necessary. Come and bring a friend! If the cost of any study or materials is prohibitive, please contact the leader of the study or the pastor; scholarships are available.
Many of our classes are on summer hiatus, so please check below for fall start dates or contact the person in charge. If no contact information is provided, please at (480) 838-7309. Childcare is available upon request for all classes held at the church. Please contact the church office in advance if you will be needing childcare.
Sunday morning classes
Sharing Disciples
The Sharing Disciples meet on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. in B14. We will be starting a new study on Galatians which will run September 20 through October 25. All are welcome to join! Please contact Luke Snell or the church office for more information.
Searchers meet on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. in B11. “B” there; join us for Adam Hamilton’s new book, The Call. Study with us as we (vicariously) walk Paul’s 14,000 mile journey for God’s Church. Hope to see you there!
Monday evening classes
Fervent Prayer: Equipping the Faithful
This new study on prayer meets Monday nights at 7:00 p.m. in the Chapel. The cost is $20 per person. Seating is limited, so be sure to sign up early! Facilitators: Anne Dutton and Pastor Jim Ek.
Beloved Disciple: The Life and Ministry of John by Beth Moore
We will be studying the life and witness of the Apostle John. This eleven-week study began on Monday, September 14, at 7:00 p.m. in C4 (but it’s not too late to join!). It features an interactive workbook and video presentation on the life of John as presented by Beth Moore. Come and join us as we “find our way to the heart of Jesus,” and discover how differently each follower might live if we characterized ourselves above all else as the beloved disciple of Jesus Christ. This is the goal of our journey. Facilitators: Barb Hedges and Warren Enyart
Thursday morning studies
Women’s Study
This study group has been meeting for over 30 years, and the blessings of friendships developed here have been precious to all–but we’re always happy to make new friends, too! This is a great place to meet people while learning more about the Bible and growing in your spiritual walk. All women are welcome and encouraged to join us. Our current study focuses on God Loves You by David Jeremiah. We meet every Thursday morning at 6:00 – 7:15 a.m. in room C4. We would love to have you join us; come and bring a friend! For more information, .
Men’s Study
The United Methodist Men’s study group, the “Dawn Breakers,” meets on Thursdays at 6:30 a.m. at IHOP (935 W. Elliot Rd., Chandler: SE corner of Elliot & Alma School). We enjoy each other’s company while having breakfast together, and studying the word of God, all in an informal atmosphere. We are currently studying The Purpose-Driven Church. All men are invited to join us for fellowship and breakfast! Questions? Call Greg Beihl or .
Pastor’s Study
Our new Pastor’s Study, with our new pastor, will begin on Thursday, September 24, at 9:30 a.m. in C4. We’ll be studying The Great Emergence by Phyllis Tickle. All are welcome to join; bring a friend for fellowship and study! For more information, please or call the church office at (480) 838-7309.