For several years now, St. Matthew has been collecting items for Helen’s Hope Chest, an East Valley organization that provides school supplies, toys, and clothing to families of foster children. Donations can be left on Sunday mornings in the wooden chest in the Narthex or in the church office during the week.
This is a list of suggested donations from their website:
Clothing: Clothing should be in “new” or “like-new” condition. It should be appropriate for either infants, children or teens. There is a particular need for jeans, underwear and socks. Also, we have chronic shortages of clothing for children who are between the ages of 3 and 10.
Library: New or like-new children’s books.
Toys and Sports Equipment: New and gently used toys for kids of all ages; boys’ and girls’ sports equipment (basketballs, soccer balls, baseballs, gloves, etc) that can be used as gifts for holidays and birthdays; movies, CDs and gift cards.
Hygiene Room: Baby shampoo and body wash, feminine products, African-American hair products, diaper rash cream, and baby powder.
Bedding: Single or baby-sized quilts (preferably new).
Holiday and Birthday Room: New gifts for all ages of children 0-18 years old, batteries (sizes AAA, AA, C, D and 9-volt), gift certificates for our teens, tape, and wrapping paper.
Daily Office and Cleaning Supplies: Copier paper, envelopes, postage stamps, toilet paper, paper towels, trash bags, zip-top bags, all-purpose cleaners, vinegar, and water.
Laundry Detergent: Tide with a touch of Downy.