Our regular Sunday morning worship times are 9:00 a.m. (traditional) and 10:30 a.m. (contemporary).
Sunday morning worship is the primary focus of St. Matthew United Methodist Church.
To meet as many needs as possible, we offer a variety of worship opportunities. Both Sunday morning services have a sign language interpreter. FM assistive listening devices are available at all services in the Worship Center. Words for all congregational prayers and songs are displayed on a screen in each service. Large-print bulletins are also available at the 9:00 a.m. traditional service.
For those unable to attend Sunday services, or if there is a general need, DVDs of the Worship Center services are available upon request by contacting the at (480) 838-7309. Our Worship Center services are also live-streamed.
Childcare is available during all worship services. Children’s Sunday School is offered at 9:00; children enter the service with their parents and leave for Sunday School after the Children’s Moment.
9:00 a.m. Traditional worship in the Worship Center includes liturgical worship in a classic United Methodist style with choir and organ. Holy Communion is celebrated the first Sunday of each month.
10:30 a.m. Cup of Blessing contemporary worship in the Activity Center: Informal worship and Communion is offered in the Cup of Blessing service each Sunday in the Activity Center.
Sign language interpretation: All of St. Matthew’s services include sign language interpretation provided by a volunteer from the congregation.
Holy Communion in the United Methodist Church is open to all people, regardless of age, church affiliation, or lifestyle. You do not need to be baptized or a member of any church to take Communion. St. Matthew uses only unfermented grape juice for Communion and has gluten-free bread available. For additional information on the United Methodist view on Communion, please refer to the UMC website.
Baptism is normally offered on the second Sunday of each month, but it may be scheduled on other Sundays if requested. Baptism is not necessary for participation in any church activities; the act of baptism is merely a public affirmation of a person dedicating their life to Christ. St. Matthew baptizes infants, children, youth, and adults. For additional information on the United Methodist view on Baptism, please refer to the UMC website. If you are interested in being baptized, or having a member of your family baptized, please or call the at (480) 838-7309.
New Member Orientation: St. Matthew regularly holds classes for people interested in finding out more about the church or joining the church. If you would like more information about joining the church, or are unable to attend the scheduled classes, please contact the church office at (480) 838-7309, or .