As a local church embracing the United Methodist tradition, St. Matthew United Methodist Church of Mesa, Arizona, is called to be a visible witness of the grace of God, the love of Jesus Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit by providing a welcoming, caring, inclusive church home in this community for Christians of all ages as they live through:
- Vital worship experiences of inspiration Word, praise, and prayer, sign and song.
- Strong, quality Christian education and Bible study for all ages to foster spiritual growth and self-worth.
- Fellowship as a whole family of God with prayer, special programs, and large group events.
- Ministries of outreach to all persons.
- Small formal and informal study and social groups to build supportive community with persons of Christian ideals and values.
- Christian service locally and worldwide.
- Church-sponsored training for Christian leadership.
- Opportunities to make a joyful noise.
- The sharing of our facilities, programs, and staff.