Serving Others

We live out our faith every day through helping others as individual Christians called to serve and as a church family.

St. Matthew is proud to serve families who are in need of food assistance by giving out non-perishable food boxes from 7:30 a.m. every other Saturday. Each box is given on a first come, first serve basis and feeds a family of four for 3-4 days. The goods are picked up from the Midwest Food Bank through a partnership with them. 

Looking to donate food? Bring canned food or small jars of peanut butter to church and place them in the shopping cart front of the sanctuary on Sunday mornings. You can also drop the food off at the church office during office hours.

Family Promise of Phoenix

Family Promise is the only family shelter that partners with an interfaith network of congregations to deliver safe, homelike shelter, food and compassion to homeless families. Our members are volunteering to provide a safe environment and good food for our families while housed at St. Matthew. Thank you all for your service and commitment to this program. Please contact Rosemary Glithero with any questions or the church office at 480-838-7309. 

Helen's Hope Chest

Helen’s Hope Chest is a local organization that provides support to families of foster children. St. Matthew regularly collects items for distribution to these families. More information is at Helen's Hope Chest.

East Valley Men's Shelter

Thank you to all the volunteers who shop, make sandwiches, pack 96 lunches, and deliver to the East Valley Men’s Shelter in Mesa on the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month. The EVMS lunch team is in need of donations.  Donations of single serving bag of chips, snacks, cookies, large lunch sacks, Ziploc sandwich bags, and large dinner napkins are appreciated.

The East Valley Men's Center (EVMC) is an emergency shelter for up to 76 homeless men who make the commitment to become self-sufficient and move back into the community.  There are 18 transitional housing beds. Members of St Matthew UMC prepare and provide lunch to the East Valley Men's shelter located in Mesa, Arizona. For more information contact Denise Allen or the Church Office.

Habitat for Humanity

We serve faithfully through the Mighty Methodist Coalition.

UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief)

Through our offerings, St. Matthew supports the global ministries and missions of the United Methodist Church. Individuals are also welcome to contribute directly to specific domestic and international projects coordinated by the United Methodist Committee on Relief. UMCOR works to relieve suffering with both short-term and long-term programs in regions suffering from economic, agricultural, political, health, and natural disasters. More information is at UMCOR.